・ Realization of "New Prosperity through Women's Empowerment".
・ Realization of Osaka Women's EXPO 2025 as an attempt to explore, create, and practice "New Prosperity" and disseminate it to the world.
・ Expansion of women's networks in each field and empowerment of women through the holding of events by each working group.
Towards Osaka Women's Expo 2025
"Osaka Women's Expo 2025" is to convey the importance and significance of impacting society and the economy through women's empowerment to the world from Osaka and Kansai, while connecting with women around the world using digital technology. We will hold "International Conference for Women's Empowerment-Connecting the World Digitally (tentative name)" and implement various efforts to organize Osaka Women's Expo 2025. The themes of the five working groups will be the pillars of our efforts.
Toward 2025, we would like to increase the number of fellows who participate in the initiative and deepen the discussion through activities through the five working groups. We are looking forward to the participation of a wide range of people such as business owners (male / female), female entrepreneurs, activists / social entrepreneurs in local governments and local communities, and university / high school students.
「Road to Boardセミナー~役員への道を切り拓くための必須科目を学ぶ~」が大好評裡に終了しました。
2021.3.31:吉田晴乃記念分科会E 『エシカル』について考える〜国際社会で活躍するラグジュアリーブランドの女性トップに聞く~が終了しました。